
にほんご練習帳 受身・使役・使役受身


ISBN 978-4-89689-504-9

JLCI新試験研究会 代表 松本節子












* 「受身形」「使役形」「使役受身形」「自発形」について、すべてを知りたい方。

This book is recommended for beginners to highly advanced level students
*For beginners who do not understand the Passive form, the Causative form, and the Causative Passive form.
*For students who have mid level and above Japanese ability but do not understand the usage of the Passive form, the Causative form, the Causative Passive form, and the Spontaneous form.
*For students with advanced or higher Japanese language abilities but who want to review the Passive form, the Causative form, the Causative Passive form, and the Spontaneous form.
*For students who are confident about other aspects of Japanese grammar but have no confidence regarding the Passive form, the Causative form, the Causative Passive form, and the Spontaneous form.
*For students who want to know all about the Passive form, the Causative form, the Causative Passive form, and the Spontaneous form.
*And for students who want to study how to speak natural Japanese without causing misunderstandings by truly understanding the differences in nuance.

View the contents of  this book
STEP 1受身形
STEP2 使役形
STEP3 使役受身形

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